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For when you’re feeling insecure

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Cerith Gardiner - published on 12/12/22

Life can create many stress points and anxieties, but there is reassurance for us all.

In a world that is ever-changing, it’s always nice to have some security, both emotional and material. Yet, often in our lives we live through great insecurities and worries that can make us physically ill.

Personally, I don’t cope well at all with feeling insecure. I’m not adventurous, and I can’t just sit back and see what will happen. In some ways it makes me try and be prepared for any eventuality. (Yep, I have to admit, I’ve always got a stash of food at home … just in case.)

As a Catholic I know I’m meant to put my faith in God, that He will always be by my side. But sometimes, when life feels a little overwhelming, frightening, or exhausting, it can be hard to have such faith.

Yet, a recent conversation with a friend gave me a much-needed jolt.

I was discussing the difficulties of dating in my 40s — definitely not something for the faint of heart! The whole: should I text? him … and then waiting for texts … it’s pretty stressful! And being older, and supposedly wiser, has not made the whole dating process any easier. The myriad of ways we make contact with each other these days seems to add to the insecurities.

When discussing this dilemma I was trying to get to the heart of these insecurities. Why couldn’t I just “go with the flow”? After doing a thorough psychoanalysis — and it took about one minute — I determined that I have a number of valid reasons to be a worrywart. And actually, being slightly anxious can make us more empathetic.

But in accepting my need for security, I remembered that one day I will have eternal security, and all the anxieties I experience on earth will make our heavenly home even sweeter. So now, when my insecurities rear their heads, I know that they are only temporary and I should have confidence in following the path God has laid out for me, wherever that might lead.

Catholic LifestyleFaithMental Health
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