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Tuesday 11 March |
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Social Media
Bishop Robert Barron
Pride, humility, and social media
Luke Arredondo
That dress, April the giraffe, and what Kim did now: Why we obsess
Calah Alexander
Can a woman safely run through Iran alone?
Calah Alexander
Addicted to apps? There’s an app for that
Chloe Langr
Note to college kids: Your social media behavior can cost you a scholarship
Adriana Bello
Pinterest creates a ‘Shazam’ for style lovers
Jim Schroeder
Our kids’ idea of privacy is changing: Why we shouldn’t let it
Jaime Septién
10 ‘Commandments’ for being a positive social media user
Theresa Aletheia Noble
5 Ways to divorce your smartphone in Lent… or even after!
J-P Mauro
The internet makes it easy for us to lie about ourselves
John Burger
Being a “constant checker” in times of social media stress
John Burger
Is your reliance on digital technology giving you a brain disorder?
David Mills
Give up the Church for Lent
Theresa Aletheia Noble
5 Ways to reject unhealthy anger this Lent
Patty Knap
Father honors son he lost to suicide by starting Facebook’s “Kindness Challenge”
Daniel Esparza
How many books could you read if you gave up (just a bit) on social media?
John Burger
Travels, Tweets, and Trump: Chris Arnade chronicles the heartache in the heartlands
Rosie Herreid
6 Ways to make your Facebook experience more positive and healthy
Philip Kosloski
The lure of virtual reality: Entertainment may never be the same
Elizabeth Scalia
A cup of coffee and a conversation can save a life
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