All about the lives of both the most popular and the least known saints of the Church, the liturgical Catholic calendar, and a comprehensive database of patron saints and prayers to them.

Philip Kosloski
Have you ever read St. Patrick’s autobiography?

Philip Kosloski
Mother Mary Lange’s canonization cause reaches the Vatican

Philip Kosloski
How St. Patrick’s legendary bell drove out demonic spirits

Philip Kosloski
Why St. Frances of Rome is the patron saint of car drivers

Philip Kosloski
How St. Joseph is a model for fulfilling God’s will

Kathleen N. Hattrup
Pope calls on saint who died 400 years ago to help Ukraine

Philip Kosloski
Read St. John Chrysostom’s powerful reflection on Lent

Philip Kosloski
Why St. Casimir wanted to live uncomfortably as king

Philip Kosloski
Why St. Katharine Drexel took a fourth vow in religious life

Annabelle Moseley
Let this powerful saint help you find “Irish blessings” in March

Bret Thoman, OFS
Visiting Padre Pio’s 10 friaries

Philip Kosloski
4 Modern bishops who were murdered

Lucia Graziano
How two icons of St. Anastasia ended up in orbit

Cerith Gardiner
5 Child saints who weren’t martyrs