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Saturday 15 March |
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All about the lives of both the most popular and the least known saints of the Church, the liturgical Catholic calendar, and a comprehensive database of patron saints and prayers to them.
Philip Kosloski
Possible miracle linked to early Opus Dei leader
Death date of Ulma family seen as significant (interview & photos)
Kathleen N. Hattrup
The Ulma family Bible had 3 verses underlined
Cécile Séveirac
Hungary honors St. Stephen with cross of light in the sky
Katolicka Agencja Informacyjna
Further thoughts on the Ulma baby, to be beatified Sunday
Cerith Gardiner
4 Saints who survived horrific storms and droughts
Philip Kosloski
Why did Mother Teresa change her name?
Philip Kosloski
Requiem Mass for J.R.R. Tolkien recalls 50th anniversary of his death
Kathleen N. Hattrup
Pope highlights novena to Ulmas, family of 9 to be beatified
Philip Kosloski
Why was St. John the Baptist sentenced to death?
Fr. Michael Rennier
St Augustine and the awesome power of memory
Damian Bacich
Junípero Serra: America’s inconvenient saint
Philip Kosloski
St. Augustine’s life was changed by this Bible verse
Ray Cavanaugh
What’s a hagiography?
John Touhey
Two books highlight St. Augustine’s hold on our imaginations
John Burger
Monica Ministry gives parents of fallen-away Catholics reason for hope
J-P Mauro
Marian University welcomes new campus guide: Little Frank
Anna Ashkova
10 Young saints speak to today’s youth (and to all of us)
Daniel Esparza
Relic of Padre Pio’s heart will be displayed in September
Daniel Esparza
Anne, Joachim, and the Golden Gate of Jerusalem
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