Philip Kosloski
Aleteia's collection of articles on the sacraments, the efficacious signs of Grace instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us.
Theresa Civantos Barber
Why I encouraged my neighbors to get married in the Church
Philip Kosloski
At what age is confirmation received in the Catholic Church?
Cerith Gardiner
7 Meaningful confirmation names for today’s boys
Philip Kosloski
Short prayer before a child’s First Communion
Philip Kosloski
Is swearing a sin?
Philip Kosloski
Why do some first communicants wear white robes?
Philip Kosloski
Can a priest perform a confirmation?
Mathilde De Robien
How to help prepare your child for First Communion
Philip Kosloski
What is a communal penance service?
Daniel Esparza
People are getting married in the metaverse
Ricardo Sanches
When the Holy Spirit descends … in a hospital
Theresa Civantos Barber