Aleteia's collection of articles on the sacraments, the efficacious signs of Grace instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us.

Fr. James Farfaglia
The Real Presence? How Can We Be Sure?

Fr. James Farfaglia
Eight Habits of Highly Effective Catholics

Fr. James Farfaglia
If You Can’t See the Fruits of the Holy Spirit in Your Life …

Joe Heschmeyer
A Biblical Approach to Divorce and Remarriage

Stephen Herreid
Satan, the Father of Cheap Christianity

Brantly Millegan
Black Mass Leads Harvard President to… Eucharistic Adoration?

Cari Donaldson
When My Baby Received His First Communion

Catholic News Agency
Sarah Palin Rebuked for Comparing Waterboarding to Baptism

Catherine Seiwert
Divorce, Even Without Remarriage, Can Be a Sin

Catholic News Agency
Pope Francis Preaches “Indissolubility of Christian Matrimony”

William Van Ornum
Inside the Painful, Messy World of Annulments

Fr Dwight Longenecker
Did Pope Francis Just Endorse Communion for the Divorced and Remarried?

John V. Gerardi
Why Cardinal Kasper’s Proposal Is So Dangerous

Carly Andrews
Eucharist by Mouth: Matter of Conscience?

Catholic News Agency
Upcoming Day of Reconciliation Announced By Pope

Catholic News Agency