Aleteia's collection of articles on the sacraments, the efficacious signs of Grace instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us.

Philip Kosloski
Holy smoke! Why the Church uses incense at Mass

Philip Kosloski
Why do I have to fast one hour before Mass?

Diane Montagna
Pope Francis: “Our true enemy is sin”

Elizabeth Scalia
Yelling in the confessional? Yes, that was me …

Philip Kosloski
How often should my 8-year-old go to confession?

Amélie Hillairet
The tradition behind dressing your baby in white at baptism

Sarah Robsdottir
My van is disgusting

Philip Kosloski
5 Ancient symbols of the Eucharist in the catacombs

Aleteia Image Department
“If angels could be jealous of men…”

Bishop Robert Barron
A word to those being confirmed

Philip Kosloski
What is perpetual adoration and why is it deeply personal?

Elizabeth Scalia
Face-to-face confession: Weighing the pros and cons

Colleen Duggan
The real solution for the cry-room debates

Philip Kosloski
Do you know the date of your Baptism?

Philip Kosloski
Why you might see that Easter candle again this year