Aleteia's collection of articles on the sacraments, the efficacious signs of Grace instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us.

Philip Kosloski
Can a Catholic be “de-baptized”?

Tom Hoopes
17 Ways to boost belief in the Eucharist

Philip Kosloski
Are the 7 sacraments mentioned in the Bible?

Fr Robert McTeigue, SJ
No more excuses! Go to confession

Philip Kosloski
What is a mortal sin?

Philip Kosloski
Is baptism the same as christening?

Philip Kosloski
Why the Lord’s Day should be separate from the weekend

Philip Kosloski
Why do some Catholics pick Confirmation names?

Philip Kosloski
Why St. Josemaria Escriva nicknamed his tabernacle “Bethany”

Philip Kosloski
Watch these adorable videos of little kids “playing Mass”

Dolors Massot