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Thursday 06 March |
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Our collection of articles on the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, from a Catholic perspective.
Magdalena Rączka
Yes, it’s possible to reinvent your mother-daughter relationship
Inma Alvarez
What exactly is ADHD and how can we detect it?
Anna O'Neil
6 Common “distorted ideas of reality” that feed your insecurity
Calah Alexander
The most important way to start your kids’ day
Miriam Diez Bosch
The 10 powers of spiritual intelligence
Fr. Michael Rennier
Are you really as nice as you think you are?
Inma Alvarez
8 Strategies to overcome anxiety
Calah Alexander
Why adults need playtime — every day
Inma Alvarez
You don’t have to accept other people’s anger and bitterness
Anna O'Neil
Positive self-affirmations don’t work, so try these confidence boosters instead
Marie-Laure Castelnau
How do we get better at being patient?
Elizabeth Pardi
Why saying “look on the bright side” can be terrible advice
Leslie Kendall Dye
What French children’s books can teach us about melancholy
Anna O'Neil
An easy way to get over your fear of criticism
Calah Alexander
Feel like a fraud at work? Embrace it!
Barbara Petit
3 Simple exercises to effectively reduce stress
Zyta Rudzka
The life-changing secret you need to know about joy
Calah Alexander
When fear of rejection is more than it appears
Zoe Romanowsky
Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl makes surprising comment about happiness (VIDEO)
Calah Alexander
Talking to your dog is kind of a superpower
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