Mother Teresa
Magnús Sannleikur
International Day of Charity observed in honor of Mother Teresa
Philip Kosloski
Paul VI’s prayer that inspired Mother Teresa
Philip Kosloski
Why Mother Teresa insisted on a daily Eucharistic holy hour
Mathilde De Robien
Did you know Princess Di was buried with a rosary?
Marlena Bessman-Paliwoda
What these 3 “St. Teresas” would say to discouraged or frustrated mothers
Francisco Borba Ribeiro Neto
Mother Teresa’s advice for how we can respond to abortion
Theresa Civantos Barber
How to help a person in prison as Mother Teresa did for Jim Wahlberg
Cerith Gardiner
Try Mother Teresa’s 5-second prayer when needing support
Cerith Gardiner
7 Quotes from Mother Teresa we really need today
Philip Kosloski