Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco
Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco
True prayer is confident prayer, not prayer trying to convince
Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco
If you want to learn how to pray, ask Jesus to teach you
Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco
Why St. Francis is so special: Because he let himself be loved
Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco
When we have no prayer, no wishes, no strength left
Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco
What the Evil One is trying to convince you
Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco
Why wait to be grateful for the good?
Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco
Angels: The ordinary way God acts in our lives
Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco
Escapes, excuses, compromises: 3 Ways not to follow Jesus
Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco
What James and John “calling down fire” might teach us
Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco
Like a child: Place all your security in one fact – that he loves you
Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco
A gift Jesus gives us: Seeing the cross as part of our good
Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco
Do this exercise today: Answer Jesus’ two questions
Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco
When the hurting is good news
Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco
The unnerving thing Jesus insists on giving us
Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco
Jesus-followers who keep others from him: Here’s what the Gospel says
Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco
Shine even if others can’t face the light – it’s your duty
Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco
4 Sketches in which to see ourselves
Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco
The women who make Jesus’ mission possible
Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco