Divine Mercy
Patty Knap
Works of mercy from the 4th grade
Leah Libresco Sargeant
The lazy way to fall in love with others
Elizabeth Scalia
You haven’t read Benedict because WHY? Oh, give him a chance!
Larry Peterson
And now, for the grand finale of the Jubilee …
Maria Garabis Davis
What happened when a small voice said, “Mom, who was that guy?”
Evan Holguin
Confronted by the Commandant of Auschwitz
David Mills
Mercy begins in the mind
Elizabeth Scalia
The better to bless you with, my dear!
Margaret Rose Realy, Obl.OSB
What happened when I asked a stranger if I could pray for her
Monica DeGraffenreid
An introvert learns the joy of showing mercy to the homebound
Kevin Raedy
The stranger whom God placed in my path
Margaret Rose Realy, Obl.OSB
Stumbling and bumbling through the Holy Door
Miriam Diez Bosch