Aid to the Church in Need
Christians in the Middle East
Everything concerning the life of Christians in the Middle East: saints, traditions, liturgy, persecution, and current affairs.
Fionn Shiner-ACN
Christians in Iraq and Syria face new risk of genocide
Doreen Abi Raad-ACN News
Lebanese prelates are concerned about Christian emigration
Dolors Massot
Zein, the baby who miraculously survived the war
Daniele Piccini - ACN News
Building bridges in the Holy Land: “There is a Christian way of living with this conflict.”
Tobias Lehner - ACN News
Pope Francis blesses 6,000 rosaries for Syrian families
Eva-Maria Kolmann ACN-USA News
Catholics and Russian Orthodox collaborate to help Christians in the Middle East
Ragheb Elias Karash of ACN