Our collection of articles on art that uses religious inspiration and motifs, intended to uplift the mind to the spiritual.

V. M. Traverso
The incredibly moving sacred art of Caravaggio

Lucien de Guise
St. John the Baptist, early environmentalist

Daniel Esparza
Michelangelo did not design the Swiss Guard’s uniform

Lucien de Guise
A bit of papal history: When popes wore tiaras

Zelda Caldwell
The Exaltation of the Cross in art

Lucien de Guise
A taste of sacred art with a New World flavor

Lucien de Guise
The confession Charlemagne couldn’t say aloud

Daniel Esparza
Paul did not fall off his horse on the way to Damascus

Daniel Esparza
Gregory the Great did not invent “Gregorian” Chant

Zelda Caldwell
The beheading of St. John the Baptist in art

Theresa Civantos Barber
Meet the woodworker who’s bringing beauty back to our churches

Daniel Esparza
Was Saint Peter really crucified upside down?