Our collection of articles on art that uses religious inspiration and motifs, intended to uplift the mind to the spiritual.

Lucien de Guise
Why did the centurion pierce Jesus in his side?

Daniel Esparza
NYC’s Sheen Center decodes DaVinci in a new exhibition

The legacy of Caravaggio in Malta

Bret Thoman, OFS
The breathtaking beauty of a Padre Pio statue submerged at sea

Theresa Civantos Barber
10 Small shops to buy beautiful Catholic Christmas cards

Daniel Esparza
‘Dune’: A cautionary tale of the dangers of messianism

Fr. Patrick Briscoe, OP
Who is the Son of Man?

Fr. Michael Rennier
St. Luke’s artistic talent reminds us that humans are a lot like paintings

Daniel Esparza
The “Sacra Cintola”: The relic of the Virgin’s belt

Daniel Esparza
The four heads of John the Baptist

Daniel Esparza