Our collection of articles on art that uses religious inspiration and motifs, intended to uplift the mind to the spiritual.

Bret Thoman, OFS
David vs. Goliath: Hope that evil will never triumph

Lucien de Guise
The surprising sacred art of the Pre-Raphaelites

Margaret Rose Realy, Obl.OSB
The meaning of thorns and their discovery on the Shroud of Turin

Christ hidden in a bunker

V. M. Traverso
Discover the Catholic art of Toledo

Lucien de Guise
Micromosaics: keepsakes from the Vatican

Isabella H. de Carvalho
Timothy Schmalz, the artist who covers Rome in “visual prayers”

Theresa Civantos Barber
Olympian’s gorgeous figure skating costume was actually made by her mom

Lucien de Guise
How many nails were used in the Crucifixion?