
Maria Lozano - ACN
In Niger, in time of the virus, fears of anti-Christian violence

Lucien de Guise
Finding Faith: Christian symbolism in African artifacts

Maria Lozano - ACN
Mozambique: The hidden war hardly anyone is talking about

Grace Attu-ACN News
Living the faith in Kenya, five years after terrorist attack

Paulo Aido-ACN
Jihadist groups raise the black flag in Mozambique

John Burger
Priest kidnapped in Nigeria

Amélie de La Hougue-ACN News
Burkina Faso: The unshakeable faith of women religious in the face of terror

Aid to the Church in Need
On Nigerian beheadings, “Where is the moral revulsion?”

Amélie de La Hougue-ACN News
In Ethiopia peaceful Sufi Islam is “being replaced by fundamentalist militants”