A collection of resources on the current discussion on addiction, from a scientific, social, spiritual, ethic, medical, and Catholic perspective.
Philip Kosloski
Struggling with an addiction? Pray this prayer to St. Jude
Judy Landrieu Klein
The angel in the Uber who took my son to rehab
Calah Alexander
The mommy blog joke we need to stop laughing at
John Burger
Trump makes war on opioid epidemic
Jean Elizabeth Seah
If gambling is so bad, why do churches promote bingo and raffles?
Zelda Caldwell
CVS to limit prescriptions to opioid painkillers
Patrick McNamara, PhD
Sister Ignatia: The Catholic nun behind Alcoholics Anonymous
Calah Alexander
Opioid addicts deserve respect, not blame
T. E. W. with Jean Elizabeth Seah
When a stranger saved my life, just by seeing me
T. E. W. with Jean Elizabeth Seah
Bonded to Christ: Dramatic confession of an ex-drug addict
"A Friend of Bill W."
How my 12-step program informs my Catholic faith, and vice-versa
Zelda Caldwell