Zelda Caldwell
V. M. Traverso
This chapel in Pittsburgh is home to 5,000 relics
Daniel Esparza
Meet the city of 365 churches
Joynel Fernandes
Picturing the Passion: “The Mocking of Christ” by Fra Angelico
Zelda Caldwell
The bones of 60,000 dead decorate this chapel
Caroline Becker
Why are oxen perched on the cathedral of Laon?
Joynel Fernandes
What do the animals represent in “Christ in the Wilderness”?
Athenais Clicquot
Meet the Holy Martyrs, in images
Joynel Fernandes
Picturing the Passion: Jesus washes his disciples’ feet
Isabelle Cousturie - France
The 10 most beautiful monumental statues of Christ
Joynel Fernandes