Mark Gordon
George Weigel
Saving Grace, Christian Mission
A Child is Born
Lilia Draime
Reclaiming the Wonder of Christmas
James V. Schall, S.J.
The “Word Became Man Among Men”
Anthony Baratta
5 Ways to Bring Millennials Back to the Church
Michael Bradley
Priestly Celibacy Deserves a Closer Look
Michael Durnan
Why the Christmas Tree Is Christian
Fr Dwight Longenecker
Are Women Priests a Possibility?
Carly Andrews
Pope Francis Gives Christmas Blessing to Roman Curia
Gospel for Sunday 22/12/2013
David Fagerberg
Wishing You a Vulgar Christmas
Catholic News Agency
Pope Urges Curial Officials to Hear Confessions at Local Parish
Mary Beth Baker
The Peculiar Virtue of Patience
Alberto González
How Americans Think About Christmas Is Changing
Brantly Millegan