
Abbot Placid Solari, OSB
Why I Became A Monk

Theresa Notare, Ph.D.
Marriage Is A Natural and Supernatural Gift from God

Ary Waldir Ramos Diaz
Could a Woman With A Family Be the Head of the Pontifical Council for the Family?

Anamaria Scaperlanda Biddick
Archbishop Says Oklahoma City Has Been Targeted by “Dark Forces”

Patrick B. McGuigan
Outside Oklahoma City Black Mass, Prayers and Protests

Aid to the Church in Need
In Albania, Pope Francis Will Find a Church That is “Rising”

Canonry of St. Leopold
A Master Who’s Generous to a Fault

Catholic News Agency
Next Chicago Archbishop Aims to Nourish Faith

Russell Shaw
The Synod and the Crisis of Marriage

Mark Stricherz
Bishop for Only 12 Months, Cirilo Flores is Laid to Rest

Devanie Cooper