
Fr Robert McTeigue, SJ
To Be a Prophet is a Blessing and a Burden

Gregory K. Popcak
Spiritual Autism and the Catholic-Evangelical Divide

Maria Morera Johnson
Return to Cuba: Carrying Heavy Baggage

Theresa Branch
How to Pray: Pope Francis Shows Us the Way

Brother Silas Henderson, SDS
Taking Up the Cross: Reflecting on the Sunday Gospel

Tim Muldoon
Rome: The Streets of Saints and Emperors

Brother Silas Henderson, SDS
Jesus Performed Miracles, Not Magic: Reflecting on the Sunday Gospel

Zoe Romanowsky
Fr. Vincent Capodanno Ministered In the Line of Fire

Russell E. Saltzman
Meeting the Real Jesus

Msgr. Charles Pope
Keep it Simple with the Kerygma

Fr Robert McTeigue, SJ
Filling Our Empty Churches: Reaching Out Without Dumbing Down

John Martignoni
Do Catholics Take the Bible Literally?

Brother Silas Henderson, SDS
Martyr Who Refused to Deny His Faith And Accept Islam Takes Step Toward Sainthood

Jennifer Fulwiler