Philip Kosloski
Philip Kosloski
A short prayer for when you see a crucifix
Sarah Robsdottir
Say this prayer while folding socks
Philip Kosloski
When your mind wanders during prayer, try this remedy
Philip Kosloski
Why do Eastern Catholics stand during Mass?
Brother Silas Henderson, SDS
What it’s like to be reduced to sin and then set free
Philip Kosloski
Pray this prayer to chase away a strong temptation
Philip Kosloski
What is a monsignor in the Catholic Church?
Philip Kosloski
12 Saints who can inspire the youth of today
Fr Robert McTeigue, SJ
Is Lent a tragedy?
Philip Kosloski
The Franciscan saint who walked on water
Philip Kosloski
What does it mean to be a Christian?
Philip Kosloski
Pray this prayer to help you detach from earthly possessions
Meg Hunter-Kilmer
An ancient monks’ prayer that will make you more yourself
Philip Kosloski
When falling asleep, pray this prayer to rest in peace
Philip Kosloski