Philip Kosloski
Philip Kosloski
A brief and simple way to meditate on Jesus’ ascension
Fr Robert McTeigue, SJ
Are you tired of making excuses for God?
Philip Kosloski
John Paul II’s brother died treating patients of an epidemic
Philip Kosloski
Read John Paul II’s tender poem for his deceased mother
Philip Kosloski
Meditate on the gift of your life with this simple guide
Philip Kosloski
Jesus doesn’t want us to feel alone or isolated
Philip Kosloski
Why are Saturdays dedicated to the Virgin Mary?
Philip Kosloski
Ask God to bless all farmers with this prayer
Philip Kosloski
Put yourself in the presence of Jesus during the Rosary
Philip Kosloski
The Eucharistic miracle that occurred at Fatima
Philip Kosloski
Words of Jesus to calm your troubled soul
Philip Kosloski
How to use the Bible when praying the Rosary
Philip Kosloski
Prayer to reduce distractions when praying the Rosary
Fr Robert McTeigue, SJ