Philip Kosloski
Philip Kosloski
How online comments can reveal the state of your soul
Philip Kosloski
English nun who served the poor moves closer to canonization
Philip Kosloski
What was the Virgin Mary’s real name?
Philip Kosloski
How to become a Catholic priest
Fr. Patrick Briscoe, OP
Want true force? Try forgiveness
Philip Kosloski
Offer to God your daily work with this short prayer
Philip Kosloski
How to let angels be more involved in your life
Philip Kosloski
How happiness is connected to charity
Philip Kosloski
Daily meditation on God’s presence can change our actions
Philip Kosloski
St. Peter Claver’s guide to racial equality
Philip Kosloski
End your day with this prayer asking forgiveness from God
Philip Kosloski
Place yourself under Mary’s protection with this prayer
Fr Robert McTeigue, SJ
Why we shouldn’t think of Mary as an unwed mother
Philip Kosloski
Why is Mary depicted standing on a snake?
Tom Hoopes
Mary’s life was not about Mary
Philip Kosloski
A prayer to thank God when recovering from an illness
Philip Kosloski
Meditate daily on God’s love for you
Philip Kosloski