Philip Kosloski
Philip Kosloski
Philip Kosloski
Philip Kosloski graduated from the University of Saint Thomas in Minnesota with a bachelor's degree in philosophy and Catholic studies and a master's degree in theology from the Augustine Institute. He is currently a spirituality writer for and has been featured on such places as The Huffington Post, Crisis Magazine, The Catholic Herald, Catholic Exchange, National Catholic Register and EWTN Radio.
Philip Kosloski
Our Lady of Akita visionary dies on feast of Assumption
Philip Kosloski
Why is St. Bernard called the “Honey Doctor”?
Philip Kosloski
St. John Eudes’ idea for forming good and holy priests
Philip Kosloski
How saint feast days are meant to remind us of Jesus Christ
Philip Kosloski
Vacation can be a time to read saint biographies
Philip Kosloski
The profound symbolism of Sunday worship of God
Philip Kosloski
How contemplation of sacred icons can lift our souls to God
Philip Kosloski