Jim Schroeder
Jim Schroeder
Jim Schroeder is a married father of eight children, a pediatric psychologist, and an endurance athlete. His newest book is Turning Free Will Into Willpower: The Opportunity of a Lifetime. He is also the author of Wholiness: The Unified Pursuit of Health, Harmony, Happiness, and Heaven, Into the Rising Sun, Forty Days of Hopeful Prayer, and Confessions of a Carless Commuter: What 40,000+ Motorless Miles Taught Me About Life. You can contact him and read more of his articles, as well as get info on his books, through his website, James-Schroeder.com.
Jim Schroeder
Verbal abuse … what it is and what to do about it
Jim Schroeder
How to teach your kids self-control
Jim Schroeder
The #1 lie that men tell and why they tell it
Jim Schroeder
How to overcome the shame of having a phobia
Jim Schroeder
Sex is depressing for teens
Jim Schroeder
Looking for a miracle? You don’t have to look far
Jim Schroeder