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Friday 14 March |
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Jesús Colina
Jesús Colina
Jesús Colina
Vaccines for all? Catholic principles for the common good
Jesús Colina
Is it OK to impose mandatory COVID-19 vaccines?
Jesús Colina
Catholic during the pandemic: freedom of conscience, or obligation to get vaccinated?
Jesús Colina
Does the Church boycott vaccination campaigns due to ethical issues?
Jesús Colina
A new painting of Christ by El Greco has been discovered
Jesús Colina
10 Points from the pope for curing the disease more dangerous than Covid-19
Jesús Colina
Aleteia-OSV alliance a historic opportunity for evangelization
Jesús Colina
How you can help poor countries face the pandemic (Interview)
Jesús Colina
Stations of the Resurrection: Meditations on Jesus’ appearances
Jesús Colina
Amazing! Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘Last Supper’ in the flesh
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