Father Jonathan Mitchican
Father Jonathan Mitchican
Father Jonathan Mitchican
Father Jonathan Mitchican is a priest of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter and works as Chaplain at St. John XXIII College Preparatory in Katy, Texas. He is also the co-host of the podcast God and Comics (www.godandcomics.com).
Father Jonathan Mitchican
Attention, humans! Check out ‘Star Trek: The Motion Picture’
Father Jonathan Mitchican
Catholics pray for the Queen’s soul, but do Anglicans believe in purgatory?
Father Jonathan Mitchican
Spectacular new film tells story of priest persecuted by Church leaders
Father Jonathan Mitchican
‘Paper Girls’ brings comic book to life and might just help us face ourselves
Father Jonathan Mitchican
‘Ms. Marvel’ is a superhero with faith, offering hope in a secularized world
Father Jonathan Mitchican
Why ‘Casablanca,’ at 80 years old, still speaks to us
Father Jonathan Mitchican
Watch the classic ‘Christmas in Connecticut’ for a taste of our Judeo-Christian past
Father Jonathan Mitchican
Anne Rice’s struggle for God’s love
Father Jonathan Mitchican