Bret Thoman, OFS
Bret Thoman, OFS
Bret Thoman, OFS
Bret Thoman, OFS, is an author, professional translator, pilgrimage/travel organizer, pilot, husband, and father of two. He created and runs St. Francis Pilgrimages where he organizes and accompanies pilgrimages to Italy and elsewhere in the Catholic tradition.
Bret Thoman, OFS
A walking pilgrimage to Naples
Bret Thoman, OFS
St. Galgano and the “sword in the stone”
Bret Thoman, OFS
A journey to Jesus’ childhood home, the House of St. Joseph
Bret Thoman, OFS
A pilgrimage to Pompeii’s Shrine of the Virgin of the Rosary
Bret Thoman, OFS
A pilgrimage to Padre Pio’s first home
Bret Thoman, OFS
Padre Pio’s first home: A pilgrimage to Pietrelcina
Bret Thoman, OFS