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4 Ways to pray the Rosary with a busy schedule

Close up of rosary against a cloudy sky and green grassy background

Omar Santamaría | Cathopic

Theresa Civantos Barber - published on 10/06/23

In honor of Our Lady of the Rosary, here are 4 simple ways to fit a Rosary into your schedule when it is already packed tight.

Many saints prayed the Rosary every day and urged others to pray it, even calling it a “spiritual weapon.”

“The Rosary is the ‘weapon’ for these times,” according to St. Padre Pio. St. Josemaria Escriva said, “The holy Rosary is a powerful weapon. Use it with confidence and you’ll be amazed at the results.”

We know we should pray the Rosary, but when and how can we squeeze it in? It might take a little extra planning and effort, but it can be done! 

In honor of Our Lady of the Rosary, whose feast is October 7, here are 4 ways to sneak in a daily Rosary when your schedule is already packed tight.

1Pray the rosary on your commute

If you have to drive or take the train anyway, you might as well make great use of the time and pray the Rosary while you commute. 

On public transportation, it’s easy to hold a rosary in your pocket as you ride. 

If you’re in the car and can’t hold a rosary, pray along with a Rosary audio app (there are several out there!). 

2Pray with friends

A group of families at my parish get together once a month for a “Rosary potluck.” Every family brings a dish to share and we all pray the Rosary together. 

When my kids were younger, we used to meet up at the park for a “Rosary play date,” praying the Rosary with a group of friends while the little ones ran around. 

Praying alongside friends is a great little boost to help us find the motivation to pray the rosary. Your parish may also have a Rosary group, offering a weekly or monthly opportunity to pray the Rosary with others.

3Pray when you exercise

Admittedly this won’t work for all forms of exercise, but if you’re going for a walk or run, play a Rosary audio app instead of music for part of the time. 

Somehow going for a walk and praying the Rosary go incredibly well together!

4Pray at bedtime

My parents used to pray the Rosary out loud while my siblings and I fell asleep. Many nights of my childhood, I drifted off to sleep listening to the Hail Marys. 

The Rosary’s repetition can be very soothing, so it makes sense to pray one as you or your child wind down to sleep at night. 

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