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Young boy’s touching generosity underlines the plight of seniors today

elderly man and woman

Henk Vrieselaar | Shutterstock

Cerith Gardiner - published on 02/25/23

A schoolboy inspires with his kind heart and gives us something to focus on this Lent.

A recent post from Wales Online shared a beautiful act of kindness by a young boy called Olly. While not much is known about the schoolboy, his generous heart has garnered much attention.

The short post explains that while Olly was out buying himself a treat with pocket money that his grandmother had given him for his “good behavior,” he spotted an elderly woman in need.

The youngster was buying a £2 soda with his precious £5 (about $6), when he saw that a senior didn’t have enough money to buy herself a loaf of bread. Olly used the change from his pocket money to buy the woman’s bread.

And in the true spirit of generosity, Olly didn’t say a word to his family. It was only when another customer in the shop shared what she’d witnessed on social media that Olly’s mom became aware.

Obviously people were quick to comment on how wonderful Olly was for being so caring. And he really is a fantastic example of our youth today, showing compassion and empathy for others.

However, as so many people pointed out, it’s horrific that an elderly woman is not in a position to be able to afford a basic essential.

If there is one thing we can all learn from Olly, is to look out for others in need while we’re out and about. And to remember that there is a generation of seniors who may be too proud to ask for help, and may be spending their final years in fear of not being able to have heat, or buy enough food.

So this Lent, in particular, consider donating to a cause that helps the elderly, take a food basket to an elderly neighbor you think might be in need, or volunteer some time at a nursing home and lend a compassionate ear.

Acts of KindnessChildrenElderly
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