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7 Holy teenagers who passionately followed Jesus Christ


Philip Kosloski - published on 10/11/18

They remain perfect examples for young people in today's world.

Teenagers can often be very passionate about what they believe in and care about. While at times this can be frustrating for parents and teachers alike, when that passion is pointed in the right direction, marvelous things can happen.

Take for example these six holy teenagers. Instead of throwing themselves into the passing trends of this world, they fully embraced a life dedicated to Jesus Christ. Yet, at the same time, they also enjoyed being a teenager by surfing the Internet, dancing, playing sports, and watching television. They were in the world, but not of the world.

If you are looking for holy teenagers to inspire young people with, start with these prime examples and show them that holiness is possible, even for a rebellious young person.


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Do you know all the holy youth who are patrons of the synod?

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15-year-old “computer geek” declared Venerable

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