Jessica Chou was always intimidated by her car and never knew how to fix it or understand it for herself. As a young woman, she wasn’t expected to. But now Jessica is taking other women along on her journey of learning how to care for and fix cars via her YouTube channel Jessicann.
The female image is often employed to sell cars, but we’re rarely expected to learn anything about them or to be capable of caring for them. Jessica says, “I really wanted to show girls everywhere that we’re capable of doing these things. I think the image of seeing a woman working on a car and not just standing next to one in a bikini is so powerful.”

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In 2016, Jessica brought the first ever female-friendly space to the LA Auto Show, which she called “Girls’ Garage.” Since then, she has been featured by PopSugar and by Smart Girls. Hopefully, more women will grow up with this example to learn from. Jessica’s brand of empowerment is re-claiming the female relationship to cars as one that dignified, strong, and non-sexualized, one video at a time.
Watch the video below to hear more from Jessica.