I will readily admit that any domestic arts involving clothing, from laundry to sewing, are not in the realm of my ability. But I do have tons of friends who knit, and I always get a little jealous when I see that ball of yarn with the giant needles stuck in it, nestled inside their bags. Doubly so when they pull them out and the needles start flashing while we talk — I mean, what kind of talent does that take, to talk and knit at the same time? I can barely talk and walk at the same time.

Read more:
WATCH: Volunteers hang scarves on fences and trees to help the needy
Now there’s a whole new reason for me to be jealous — a new report by Knit for Peace UK claims that knitting can lower blood pressure, slow the onset of dementia, and induce a sense of well-being.
In the wake of the report, the Swindon Advertiser interviewed Tracy Major, a UK woman who runs a branch of a knitting group that started in the U.S. and spread worldwide, and she agreed with the report, saying,
“It’s also very therapeutic – I knit or crochet every day and it’s a way to relax and forget about the stress of modern life. And it’s very sociable – just meeting up once a week and spending time with others is a vital part of it.”
Honestly that sounds so lovely, in a very Anne-of-Green-Gables kind of way. I totally want to start my own knitting group where we make the kids go outside while we knit and talk and drink gallons of sweet tea every week.
I guess I have to learn to knit first, though, which…